Any time you get a new Linux cloud hosting package, it is created on a server and the process normally takes a while, including the verification and processing of the transaction, which most companies execute personally. If you get a dedicated server, for example, the configuration takes longer as the machine must be built, set up and tried so as to make sure that it'll function properly. Because of this, a lot of providers have a one-time fee so as to cover the time and efforts used on your new account. The cost, which sometimes is quite high, is often not mentioned on the main page, but you'll find it on your checkout or payment page, thus you will not be familiar with it before you have already completed the entire signup process and you can even overlook it if you don't pay attention.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting plans lack any sort of setup charges or any other obscured fees on the whole. If you buy an account, we will process your payment immediately then the account will be generated and activated by our system straight away. The full price that you'll need to pay for your web hosting package is identical everywhere - on the home, order & payment pages, and you won't see or be charged anything in addition to that price at any time. That is valid irrespective of whether you acquire numerous accounts as it is our belief that creating trust is far more important than getting a few more dollars. The account activation will be instant, so that you can go ahead and begin setting up your web sites straight away.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you will pay just the monthly charge that you can already see on the web site. The account will be made on our servers and we'll activate it in a matter of minutes without additional cost. This shall be valid for each and every monthly payment and regardless of the total number of accounts that you buy. It is our principle that it is not reasonable to charge extra money for something that we've virtually fully automated, that's why you will never see any kind of installation fees or any other obscured charges. Due to this fact, all of the rates which are on our front page, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement will be exactly the same.

Setup Fee in VPS Web Hosting

Our virtual private server packages lack setup fees as well as any hidden charges of any sort. In case you purchase such a package, we'll create your server, mount its OS, web server software, MySQL, etcetera, and we will provide you with a fully functional system without extra charges. All you will have to pay is the standard monthly price for the package you have chosen and that cost is exactly the same for the subsequent months as well. It is our principle that charging you more money for a process that's almost totally automatic is rather unreasonable, therefore the amount you see on our front page is the same as the one that will show up on your bank statement. That is valid even if we transfer one or several web sites from a shared hosting account to your new virtual server.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you purchase a dedicated server from our company, we'll set up the machine for free. The price that you'll see and pay will be exactly the same on our web site, on the payment page as well as on your bank statement, and the total amount you will pay throughout the signup is the same as the one you'll pay to renew the plan in the future. We'll provide you with a ready-to-use system, which is assembled and tested, and which features all of the necessary software in advance - OS, web server, MySQL, FTP, plus website hosting Control Panel if you have chosen one through the signup, still all the abovementioned duties are performed free of charge. We can even transfer your data without extra cost when you get your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have a regular shared hosting plan through our company.