Using emails with your own domain name is much more handy and it'll give you more authority as a business when you correspond with business partners. Such an e-mail address will also look much better in case some visitor on your website contacts you via a commentary form and you would like to answer. How effortless it will be to manage your email communication is usually as important as the quality of the service, since some website hosting Control Panels make it very difficult and time-consuming to perform easy duties for example enabling anti-spam security or forwarding your emails. That's why, you should employ an e-mail service that will enable you to access everything very quickly and which will help make the control over your e-mail messages fast and easy.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Cloud Hosting

With the cutting-edge Email Manager instrument that you will get as part of our custom Hepsia Control Panel provided you purchase a cloud hosting plan, you will handily have all the email options that you'll ever need in one place and only several mouse-clicks away. Once you access the instrument, you'll be able to see all of the mailboxes that you have for your domains and if any of them is a catch-all one or it features forwarding and anti-spam protection. These features are enabled or disabled as conveniently as clicking a button. More advanced options, like adding SPF protection, are readily available via fast access buttons and right-click popup menus. Also, you can use the webmail for any mailbox or download an auto-setup file for Outlook, Thunderbird and Apple Mail in the same section. The Email Manager is simple enough to be used by people with little or no practical experience and it comes with a large number of detailed help articles. In the same time, it offers functions for advanced users as well and it can save you efforts and time even for more complex activities.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We've placed everything associated with your emails conveniently in one place in the Email Manager section of our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, thus if you purchase a semi-dedicated server package from us, you are able to manage your electronic communication easily. In this particular section, you can see the full list of your mailboxes indexed in alphabetical order, as well as if any of them features anti-spam protection, forwarding or a catch-all feature activated. If it doesn't, you can activate any of these options with just a mouse-click via fast access buttons. You can even manage more complex options like e-mail lists and / or SPF protection. The Email Manager will enable you to gain access to the webmail for any address with just a couple of clicks or to download auto-setup files for Outlook and / or Apple Mail.